Thursday 16 January 2025

Cardinal Theme

Explosive Welding Of Unequal Surface Using Groove Method

Bond strength of welded joints is an important factor in the explosive welding process. In such welding process, stress waves produced by explosive energy propagate at the free surface and produce tension stresses. These waves result in spalling and scabbing at the edges of metals and reduce the tensile bond strength of explosive welding. The most common method for solving this problem is cutting and sizing the edges. However, this is not possible when the two metal parts to be joined are of unequal surfaces (a small plate to a large plate). This paper focuses on applying a new technique (Groove Method) for solving the strength problem at the edges due to obtain uniform welding. In this way, experimental and numerical analysis is performed to evaluate the Groove Method. The obtained results show the success and effectiveness of the groove method suggested in this paper.

Mohammad Tabatabaee Ghomi ( ACECR )